So, do you want an iPhone? Or do you have one already? Well, I only recently upgraded my cell phone from a decade old analog one to a Motorola Razor, and I barely use it. But listening to an editorial on the radio about the iPhone, there are two sides to having an iPhone and it's not about the technology, although it is kinda' revolutionary in its interface and operation, and this creates a contradiction in philosophy about your life. Overblown? Well, maybe, but worth the thought.
First, it's about communications. We all know the capabilities of cellphones, and we know the potential is unreal if the wireless companies would allow the cellphone companies to make the cellphones they could. Did you know the wireless companies are the ones restricting the technology and not the cellphone companies? That's a different thread, but the iPhone points this out where the users are being had by the wireless companies. They want to sell the services while the cellphone companies want to make standard in the phones.
Anyway, as we see, having a cellphone is about communications wherever you are. You can talk to anyone, surf the Internet, listen to music, watch videos, and on and on, anywhere you are and anywhere on your way. It's the sheer power of being in touch with anyone anywhere, and that's the contradiction, it voids you of being where you are. Huh? It's about being where you are, being present in the moment.
And while you're scratching your head saying I'm where I am, so what's the question. Well, the iPhone, and any cellphone and laptop on wifi, takes you away from being present where you're at and paying attention to the world around you. I often find myself at cafe, and I don't care if it's a wifi one or not - I don't have laptop and don't use my cellphone when I'm out (it's for emergencies). I like to sit with my mocha or dopio con panna and absorb the world around, watch the people, see, hear and smell the cafe, and pay attention to the world outside.
I also like to walk, whether it's exploring a city or hiking a National Park, but especially in cities to see the number of people going through life with a cellphone stuck to their ear, texting someone, listening to the ipod/mp3 player, or whatever else they can do with their cellphone. But if you ask them about where they're at, they're almost dumbfounded to describe it, except the people at the cafe who takes their card or money.
The irony is that this isn't really new. We all know that people used to be so absorbed in their work, getting somewhere, thinking of something, or whatever that they're oblivious to the world around them. The cellphone only multiples that now that they can communicate with anyone or anywhere now while they're oblivious to where they're at at the moment.
It's the reality about being and doing versus being in the moment where you're at. Or not. That's the beauty of choice and your reality.